In this class, I feel I learned: a lot some a little
I tried my best in this class: all of the time a lot of the time some of the time
The pace of the class was: just right too fast too slow
Ms. Teachin’ is patient: all of the time a lot of the time some of the time
Ms. Teachin’ is concerned about me and my life. Yes No
I liked this class. Yes No
The following were the three most important things that helped me as a reader this year (pick 3):
_Classroom library
_Conversations with classmates
_Independent reading time in class
_Personalized book recommendations
_Public library
_School librarian/library
_Teacher who reads
_Other _______________
Any comments?
The following were the three most important things that helped me as a writer this year (pick 3):
_Class magazines
_Creative choice
_Mentor texts
_Sharing work in class
_Teacher who writes
_Using technology
_Writing in a variety of genres
_Other ___________________
Any comments?
One thing I enjoyed was...because...
One thing I didn't enjoy was...because...
I wish we could have...
I did a good job with….
I could have done better with
Ms. Teachin’ did a good job with...
Ms. Teachin’ could have done better with...
I feel Ms. Teachin’ cares about me as a person and a student when...
I feel Ms. Teachin’ does NOT care about me as a person and a student
(Optional) Anything else to add?
Only one kid said that he had not liked my class, and that was okay; he struggled a lot personally the second half of the year, and he just did not like my touchy-feely style. He didn't like any class, though, so I don't take it TOO personally. And the evaluations were helpful - I need to work on my patience, as most kids said I was patient "a lot of the time," but I also got some "some of the time"s. Which is probably true, so that gives me a goal for next year. I still have to go through and really analyze all of it, especially what kids said was most helpful in their reading and writing growth, but that gives me something to do this summer :)
But why I cried.....two kids wrote things in the "Anything else to add?" section that just made me lose it. One was the Antagonizer (who I struggled with all year - we had our ups and downs every week, sometimes every day, but overall he did better for me than in most of his classes). He wrote that he was sorry if it ever seemed like he was mad at me, that when he was mad, it wasn't at me, it was that he was mad at himself for his behavior. Not only is that a crazy good insight to have about yourself, but it was so nice that he apologized for some of those difficulties.
And the other one....oh my. This was a student that I had in 6th grade too, and we always got along well, but I never thought that she particularly loved me - she's just not one of those effusive kids. But what she wrote....
She said, "I have loved my 8th grade year in Ms. Teachin's class. She is always here for us, her students, and we always know we can go to her with any problems. I wish I could have Ms. Teachin' as a teacher every year."
I wish I could have Ms. Teachin' as a teacher every year.
The tears just came when I read that, because.....I mean, seriously, how nice is that? You see why I love this group of kids? They say awesome stuff like that!
Between that and the kid who'd said that I'd made Language Arts her favorite subject when she'd never liked it before, I can't imagine better compliments.
(Photo credit to jenny downing)
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