And it was my last day. So I replied, "Honestly.....heartbroken. Like, not really, but oh I am so so so sad. I have cried 7 times today - in the awards assembly, once in each class, after school as I watched two of my very favorite students walk away, on my way home, and after I got home. Some of these kids are kids that I've had since my very first day as a teacher EVER....I can't imagine my school without them. Like, really can't imagine it. And I'll be totally good by the end of my first week (well, mostly good - totally good by the end of the first month), but right now.....I'm so sad. They're SO awesome. The notes I got, the awards, the hugs, the everything.....they're amazing kids and I will never ever forget them. Okay, make that 8 times I've cried today."
I'm at 9 times now.
I'll post more about the last few days later, but now I need to go to bed - I still have to clean my classroom tomorrow.
God, I'm going to miss them so damn much.
(Image credit to anirbanbiswas_c8)
It's so bittersweet to see our babies move on.....
I must just say (again) how awesome your commitment to these kids is. Any teacher who cries that much saying goodbye has infinite capacity to love each group she gets to say "hello" to. Your students are lucky to have you. Being in a transitional grade myself, I know how hard it is to watch them go. But I will say, I am just so so proud of the people they've grown into before my very eyes.
Sarah, I know, isn't it? I'm so proud of them....but still sad.
Teach, thanks, I really appreciate that. And you're right, this is the hardest part of being in a transitional grade. Lucky the rest of it is so good!
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